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Are you addicted to shopping?

Written By Anonymous on Saturday | 1:00 AM

Are you addicted to shopping?

"Are You Addicted to Healthy Food Shopping? November 13, 2009 · Filed under General I realized that there are endless things people can become addicted toand that if you . Online shopping addiction quiz. Receive help and suggestions with this addiction. Take the free online quiz today.. "

Are you addicted to shopping?
Do you spend in front of a store and you buy something? Do you have a credit card to the top and continue shopping? Not sure if you arrive later this month but still buy that pair of shoes? Think well and do not lie to yourself. Did you answer yes to everything? So maybe you’re addicted to shopping …
Addictions are usually referred to addiction to snuff, alcohol or drugs, but there are many who may not know. One is the shopping addiction . Then we will help you know if you are addicted to shopping or your friend is, and also how to try to get out of it.

Symptoms: buying anything, you spend much money (even you do not have), hidden your purchases, lie about what you spent, you feel bad sometimes after spending so much, you feel happy or elated when shopping. These are just some of the symptoms suffered by you or someone you know.
Causes: These can be many. Within the list is wanting to be perfect, to seek approval from others, an obsessive-compulsive disorder, seeking to fill a void, problems in childhood, and more.

Types of addiction: not all addictions are the same shop. There are those who buy compulsively, anything to distract their true feelings. Bulimics are buyers, who buy and then feel bad, then return what they bought. There are those who buy them to have or purchasing collections for display to the world as successful people. Then there are those who buy for others or those who buy just because it’s on sale, regardless of whether or not to use it after they bought.

Hint: If the level of addiction is severe, then you should seek psychological help and perhaps psychiatry. If it is mild, then perhaps you can control some of these tips:
* Avoid places where you know you buy and buy.
* Do not go alone, always go with someone helps control the craving, but do not go with another shopaholic!
* Take time to think if you really need or just want to have that you’re about to buy.
* Canceling credit cards, make you believe that free shopping.
* Find hobbies or alternative activities.
* Make lists of what you need and stick to them, do not buy more than what it says there (but is cheating, take a pen and add to that list while you’re shopping)
* Discuss your problem with friends and family help you out.

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