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Your body well hydrated

Written By Anonymous on Wednesday | 4:07 AM

Your body well hydrated

"Stay Well Hydrated To Lose Weight. Close to 70% of our body weight is water, making water by far the most plentiful nutrient in the human body. . Dehydration and overhydration can have a negative impact on workouts and adversely affect the health of your clients. Fi. "
Your body well hydrated
Hydrate properly and learn to use the equation for the rate of sweating. Improve your physical performance.

If you are a woman of 60 kg and after an hour of intense training weight 59.75 kilos, it means you lost 250 grams in weight.
During that time also drank 750 milliliters of liquid.
Using the equation for the rate of sweating:
(60.000 g – 59.750 g) = 250g = 250 ml of weight loss (from liquid).
Now add the amount they drank during that hour: 250 ml + 750 ml of fluid consumed 1,000 ml or 1 liter of fluid loss per hour.
Therefore, your total sweat rate per hour would be 1,000 grams or milliliters (1 kg or 1 liter) (250 ml + 750 ml).

You should try to replace the entire amount of fluid per hour during similar workouts.
In this example, you should drink 250 ml of fluid every 15 minutes (1.000 ml / 4 = 250ml every 15 minutes)
Now do your own calculations to keep your body well hydrated.

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