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Stimulating the baby

Written By Anonymous on Thursday | 12:14 AM

Stimulating the baby

"It's important to stimulate newborns through their senses; the To fully stimulate your baby, remember to sing or talk to her while you bend close to her . Your baby's brain development depends on early sensory experiences. However, don't use television to stimulate your baby's brain. The American Academy of . "

Mothers possess a special contact with the child, based on the privacy obtained from fertilization.
Therefore, that when you start the stimulation of the infant, we are the indicators for the initial step.

The child has a set of innate reflexes, especially provided by nature for their survival. However, they are often also the basis of good physical, mental and emotional self can overcome large scale.
Fitness is known that the newborn has to generate large and significant learning. It is known that the first years of life are fundamental to the basis or foundation for future development.

Therefore, based on the reflections that mentioned above, can achieve great advances in the stimulation itself.
For auditory stimulation, the mother’s voice is the sound that best recognize the baby. This is why the mother should talk to the child, singing, repeating the names of objects and people in the immediate environment.

At the same time, the visual stimulation can be developed for this from simple objects, for example, the same toys that interact with the child. The colors, shapes, textures are some of the concepts of learning to develop at an early stage and then, over the years, the accounting objects, seriation and classification are possible.
The child stimulated, will be a good student.

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