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Weight Loss Tips : Fifteen Expert Advice

Written By Ciannov on Tuesday | 12:01 AM

hat does it take to lose a healthy weight ? Knowing that the weight loss through schemes or through too drastic is taken, how to avoid this trap ?

The solutions are based, see specialists, on the permanent change in eating habits and increasing physical activity. What changes in habits ?

Here are met, weight loss tips considered most effective by some experts.

1 - Drink plenty of water and other beverages without calories

People sometimes confuse thirst and hunger. This may lead to take unnecessary calories while a good glass of ice water correspond to need.

If you do not like water, Cynthia Sass of the American Dietetic Association suggests adding ice and lemon, or to prepare teas taste of the fruit, for example, which have great flavor and no calories.

2 - Focus on what can be added to your weight loss diet rather than on what must be eliminated

Start by focusing on 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables it is recommended that you take every day worthwhile, because it provides the necessary fiber and leads to feel more satisfied because of the volume of these foods, "says Chief Laura Pansiero. And this is without counting their health benefits, which are widely demonstrated.

To succeed in increasing the number of servings, she suggested to prepare dishes of vegetables as meals rather than simply serve as accompanying. It proposes to take advantage of seasonal vegetables to dishes simmered, rissotos, pilafs, soups, etc..

3 - Whether there was really hungry

When you have a taste for eating, observe physical signs of hunger, suggests Michelle May, author of "Am I Hungry?"

Having the habit of taking reasonable portions helps to better identify the sensations of hunger and satiety.

4 - Choose carefully snacks in the evening

Eating so often occurs automatically in the evening, when the tasks are completed and that we sit to relax.

"watching television with a bag of chips or cookies is an example of a situation where you eat and not by hunger but out of habit, said Malena Perdomo of the American Dietetic Association.

It recommends closing the kitchen after a certain hour or afford a snack low in calories as a packet of biscuits to 100 calories or half a cup of ice cream low in fat.

Once accustomed to feel satisfied with the low-calorie snack, try to replace it with a calorie-free tea, suggests she says.

5 - Take advantage of his favourite foods

Putting aside his favourite foods may lead to weight gain by promoting episodes of overeating, says Sass.

It is best to take advantage of these foods but in moderation: buy smaller portions (a biscuit costs rather than a pastry bag or a handful of candy from a machine rather than a bag).

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