he extra weight is a phenomenon that affects particularly the North American continent where about half the present population overweight.Hence, it is not surprising to observe the resurgence of pseudo-diets and pills called bruleuses fat, most of which take little account of factors that can affect health.
The simplicity of these methods leads to popular belief that a weight reduction is safe and somewhat complex. This is unfortunately not the case ...
Adapting your weight loss diet
In response to the first question, when undertaking a diet-type slimming, it is essential to take into account what we usually eat.
If they give you a prepared everything in advance without ask for your opinion, ask yourself questions about the professionalism of those responsible for the weight loss program.
It is obvious that if you consume 2200 kcal per day and that you submit to a regime of 1200 kcal, there will be a loss of weight, but if the food in it does not suit you, there are strong possibilities that in the short term you délaissiez the regime and rapidly lost weight.
On the other hand, the risk of developing health problems (weakness, fainting, etc.) associated with weight loss are all the more important if the caloric difference between what was consumed and what is prescribed by the regime is important.
In summary, a diet of 1200 kcal is desirable if it suits your food everyday and if you are followed by a dietitian / nutritionist.
He (she) will assess whether the regime in 1200 kcal is appropriate depending on your metabolism basis, your weight loss and obviously your caloric intake.
As this is your first weight loss program, I strongly advise you to leave right foot to avoid the yoyo effect. This phenomenon occurs in the person who has suffered many losses and gains weight and successive major after a few years leading to a decrease in the weight extremely difficult, despite a very restrictive diet.
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