eople who reported the existence of a relationship between obesity and emotional difficultiesSome commented that the anxiety makes them eat more, others say that the problem revolves around the sadness, there are still those who report that the issue is the lack of love for themselves.
After describing their problems, asking me what to do to stop these feelings. What is generally recommend that the person reflecting on the origins of emotions that hinder their weight loss.
The major advantage of self-knowledge is that it allows the individual to find the real causes of their problems and allows them to take an attitude to transform them.
Reflection is a process feared by many and various are the maneuvers we use to avoid contact with our inner world. Sometimes prefer to avoid for fear of the surveys we can find, in other cases seems to be easier to play the blame for problems on the next.
The process of reflection becomes productive when the person can go beyond the superficial conclusions. No use, for example, concluded that the low self-esteem takes you to boycott the weight loss and staying with an unwanted body.
It is necessary to go further, asking themselves about the origins of the lack of love for himself.
The desire to know more about ourselves generally refers to the experiences of childhood, lived with our immediate family. Many memories are pleasant, but some may be accompanied by pain and anguish.
For this reason, when you wish to achieve a deeper degree of self-knowledge, it is recommended that the person seeking a psychotherapist. This work will be prepared to monitor the process of inner discovery, providing necessary support to the patient.
Reflection and self-knowledge are powerful weapons to resolve the emotional conflicts that contribute to obesity. The body's health is closely linked to the health of mind and knowledge of the interior helps the individual to achieve his goal of weight loss.
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